Un après-midi de country old school, de blues et de rock and roll funky par Jacob Milnes de Wakefield accompagné de son ami Jake Hayduk

Jacob River Milnes is a multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, filmmaker, and producer currently working out of Montreal, Quebec. Jacob is most well-known for his guitar proficiency and unique vocal styling, while dedicating himself to poetic lyrics.
Jacob River Milnes est un auteur-compositeur, multi-instrumentiste, cinéaste et producteur qui travaille actuellement à Montréal. Il a étudié avec des professionnels de l’industrie dont Ian Tamblyn pour l'écriture de chansons et Gary Schwartz pour la guitare. Jacob est surtout connu pour sa maîtrise de la guitare et son style vocal unique, tout en se consacrant à ses paroles poétiques.
Description: Since they were teenagers, Jacob River Milnes and Jake Hayduk have been playing in and out of various local bands together and collaborating on creative projects. In 2020, they decided to join forces and form a rock and roll duo based on the music they love, from Bob Dylan and Elmore James to the Japanese funk of the 1980s. In the three years since they formed, Jacob started his own weekly summer music festival in his hometown of Wakefield, Quebec where the duo would open every week, and then an invited local musician or band would perform. The festival was a big success in the community and allowed the band to share the stage with many local legends, on top of engaging with their growing fanbase, and solidifying their act. The band specializes in old school country, blues, and funky rock and roll.